
Journal Publications


Veronika Irvine, Therese Biedl, Craig S. Kaplan. Quasiperiodic bobbin lace. Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, Volume 14, Issue 3, pages 177-198, April 2020.
Awarded Outstanding Paper 2020 by the Journal of Mathematics and the Arts
[Abstract and PDF]


Veronika Irvine and Frank Ruskey. Developing a Mathematical Model for Bobbin Lace. Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, Volume 8, Issue 3-4, pages 95-110, December 2014.
Awarded Outstanding Paper 2015 by the Journal of Mathematics and the Arts
[Abstract and PDF]

PhD Thesis University of Victoria


Lace tessellations: a mathematical model for bobbin lace and an exhaustive combinatorial search for patterns

Conference Papers


Therese Biedl and Veronika Irvine. Drawing bobbin lace graphs, or, Fundamental cycles for a subclass of periodic graphs. 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization.
[Abstract and PDF]

Veronika Irvine and Frank Ruskey. Aspects of Symmetry in Bobbin Lace.  Proceedings of Bridges 2017: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture, pages 205–212. Tessellations Publishing, 2017.
[Abstract and PDF]


Veronika Irvine and Frank Ruskey. Motzkin Paths with Vertical Edges. GasCOM 2014: Generation Aleatoire des Structures COMbinatoires.
[Abstract and PDF]


Veronika Irvine. Broadening the Palette for Bobbin Lace: A Combinatorial Approach. Proceedings of Bridges 2012: Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture, pages 191-198. Tessellations Publishing, 2012.
[Abstract and PDF]


Veronika Irvine and Melanie Tory. Math Education: A Creative Approach. Child Computer Interaction Workshop 2011, in conjunction with the ACM Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4 pages. May 2011.
[Abstract and PDF]


Stephen Ingram, Tamara Munzner, Veronika Irvine , Steven Bergner, Melanie Tory, and Torsten Moeller. DimStiller: workflows for dimensional analysis and reduction. IEEE Conf. Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2010), pp. 3-10. Oct. 2010.
[Abstract and PDF]